Newly installed Rotary board f.l.t.r.: Pierrot Hurtado, Corinne Senior, Liane Cova, Ivette van der Velden, Marius van Noort, Vinod Daswani, Neysa Isenia, Michael de Sola, Helvig van de Laarschot, Boudino de Jong. Photo by Carlo Wallé
WILLEMSTAD - Last Thursday evening, Rotary Club of Curaçao (RCC) held a festive celebration at their Zeelandia clubhouse in light of their annual change of the Board. Marius van Noort was appointed as the new President for the upcoming year, succeeding now past-president Michael de Sola. Rotary International's theme for the upcoming year is 'Rotary Opens Opportunities', which according to the newly appointed President will be paramount in the current challenging times our country is facing.